A Sunday Morning Thought to Start the Week Off
The Boston terrorist attacks remind us of that part of the world that remains dark and dangerous. In this Easter Season, we're reminded of the central importance of the Light of Christ - Lumen Christi - which we see dramatically presented at the beginning of the Easter Vigil. With His Resurrection, His Light triumphs over the darkness of our world.
And yet the darkness remains - not only in the occasional acts of terrorists, but daily in the ignorance that surrounds us, most especially ignorance of the truth of our Catholic Faith, with much of this ignorance shared - sadly and tragically - by our fellow Catholics. It should remind us, motivate us, to study our faith diligently, to learn as much of the great treasure stored in the writings of Scripture, the saints, authentic Catholic spiritual writers, etc.
And so we start this week remembering that in the midst of darkness and danger, we Catholics turn to the light and protection of Our Blessed Lord and His Blessed Mother. And our turning to them is by no means ignoring the ignorance, or fleeing the fear. Rather we march, we the Church Militant, in the brilliant light of the sun, behind the shield of Truth. We prepare ourselves by our pious acts of prayer and study.
This week, if you don't already do it, read Scripture each day - not as a rote, obligatory action that perhaps your spiritual director told you to do, but with attention to the words - the Words of God Himself, as written by human authors inspired by His Holy Spirit. When you do, from time to time, you will find answers, guidance, understanding, wisdom and guideposts for your journey on this earth, even in the midst of the darkness and danger presented to sincere Catholics trying to live a good life in this often vulgar secular culture that surrounds and even attacks us daily.
We of the Church Militant must march into that culture - what John Paul II called a Culture of Death. But we must not march on our own. We march with God. And reading Scripture is one of our primary means of preparing our hearts and minds to face this world on equal terms each day.
As an example of of how this works, here's what I just happened upon in my daily reading of Scripture, after these thoughts occurred to me this week: here Scripture provides a perfect antidote to the darkness and danger we will probably all face this week. It's from Psalm 84:
I hope this motivates you to read Scripture every day. If you haven't done so already, start this week.
And yet the darkness remains - not only in the occasional acts of terrorists, but daily in the ignorance that surrounds us, most especially ignorance of the truth of our Catholic Faith, with much of this ignorance shared - sadly and tragically - by our fellow Catholics. It should remind us, motivate us, to study our faith diligently, to learn as much of the great treasure stored in the writings of Scripture, the saints, authentic Catholic spiritual writers, etc.
And so we start this week remembering that in the midst of darkness and danger, we Catholics turn to the light and protection of Our Blessed Lord and His Blessed Mother. And our turning to them is by no means ignoring the ignorance, or fleeing the fear. Rather we march, we the Church Militant, in the brilliant light of the sun, behind the shield of Truth. We prepare ourselves by our pious acts of prayer and study.
This week, if you don't already do it, read Scripture each day - not as a rote, obligatory action that perhaps your spiritual director told you to do, but with attention to the words - the Words of God Himself, as written by human authors inspired by His Holy Spirit. When you do, from time to time, you will find answers, guidance, understanding, wisdom and guideposts for your journey on this earth, even in the midst of the darkness and danger presented to sincere Catholics trying to live a good life in this often vulgar secular culture that surrounds and even attacks us daily.
We of the Church Militant must march into that culture - what John Paul II called a Culture of Death. But we must not march on our own. We march with God. And reading Scripture is one of our primary means of preparing our hearts and minds to face this world on equal terms each day.
As an example of of how this works, here's what I just happened upon in my daily reading of Scripture, after these thoughts occurred to me this week: here Scripture provides a perfect antidote to the darkness and danger we will probably all face this week. It's from Psalm 84:
For the Lord God is a sun and a shield;
he bestows favor and honor.
No good thing does the Lord withhold
from those who walk uprightly.
O Lord of hosts,
blessed is the man who trusts in thee!
I hope this motivates you to read Scripture every day. If you haven't done so already, start this week.