The Pope Works...for Us!

Pope Francis I should just about be getting down to the work routine of a pope. Like the rest of us, he's got lots of duties to perform each day. I suspect some amount of those duties aren't all that exciting, even if lots them are performed in the beautiful surroundings of the papal palace, nestled in Vatican City.

If you've ever been to Rome, specifically to the Vatican, you may feel like I do that it would be pretty cool to work there. What an incredible place! But you know that, like everything else in this world, it's not uncommon that things kind of settle into a routine after a while. You get used to your surroundings, no matter how wonderful they might be.

I remember for about a year or so I had an office office in a building downtown New York where the view from our window was of the harbor and the Statue of Liberty. It was awesome - at first. After a while, as the daily grind of the job settled in, this incredible view became just a kind of ordinary, everyday background to the days busy activities - almost like a kind of colorful wall paper. Every once in a while, I'd remember how it felt when I first looked out the window, but really even that spectacular setting became routine in no time. I wonder if something similar occurs to a pope after a time in the Vatican?

Then again, the trappings of the office really aren't the focal point of the work of a pope. Certainly our Holy Father is Supreme Pontiff. But the title that always stands out for me is "Servant of the Servants of God." And I think the great popes took this to heart. The two I remember best, who reigned during most of my life, John Paul II, and Benedict XVI, always struck me as putting forth all their time and energy serving the Servants of God: that's us. And I've always been grateful that I lived during a time of such great men leading the Church.

Yes, our Holy Church has its problems. And, yes, I sometimes wonder if a pope or two couldn't have done more to "straighten things out." Maybe you have too. But I always come back to feeling blessed that our Holy Father wasn't in it for the prestige, the power, the acclaim - or whatever else comes with being Supreme Pontiff. Supreme Pontiff, yes, but even more Servant of the Servants of God: at least that's what's always struck me when thinking of our recent popes.

So off to work Pope Francis goes and so far this new pope has sent a similar message as his predecessors: I work for the glory of God; I serve His people. At least that's the message that comes through loud and clear to me. Sure, his style seems different that Benedict's and JPII. But style is more or less superficial, isn't it? Substance is what matters. And with his humility, his warm smile, his unassuming demeanor, our new pope, it seems, should continue the work of leader of the Catholic Church, Vicar of Christ, in that compelling, wonderful spirit of Servant of the Servants of God.

Indeed I hope and pray that he succeeds in working each day in that spirit of the Morning Resolve I try to say each morning. In this spirit, we can unite ourselves to him in our own work.

So today, remember our new pope. As you get down to work, remember that this very day he serves us, Servants of God. And then go about your own business just that way: as a true Servant of God.


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