The Conclave Begins: Work and Pray for a Good Pope

The Conclave begins today. I'm tempted to get down to work today, just like it was any other day. But it's not possible, nor should it be. We're in historic times here, and it's ridiculous just going about our business like nothing unusual was going on.

If our current pope had died and we were awaiting the election of a new one, it would be a big deal. But the fact is our current pope resigned - something that hasn't happened in roughly six centuries. Not that most of our clients and customers care about this; they expect the same level of service they got before Pope Benedict resigned. So this is not time to slack off or get distracted from the tasks at hand.

Ditto for the expectations of our bosses and co-workers. I suspect they'd be more understanding of a bit of distraction if the home team were in the World Series, but I don't think the resignation of the first pope in almost six centuries really threw most of them off their game.

And, I don't know about you, but now that I think about it, Benedict's resignation - and all that implies - didn't especially throw me for a loop either. I noted the event, read about it - especially reading good, reliable sources - thought and prayed about it, and continue to do so. But, really, my work goes on pretty much as it always does.

So what's the point here? After all, being able to work in the face of challenges and distractions isn't a bad thing. Indeed, it's a disciplined response that all of us should expect from ourselves, just as we probably expect it from others. But just because we can go about our business as if nothing dramatic has occurred and is going on right now doesn't mean that nothing dramatic has occurred and nothing of great importance is going right now.

So the point is that as we work these days post-resignation, pre-election, let's not not somehow push these historic events into an insignificant corner of our lives. Let's give them the attention and, most importantly, the prayers that they deserve.

Previously, we posted a special prayer for Catholics as we await our new pope. Now's the time to pray it. But a special prayer isn't all we need at a special time like this. I think we need to remind ourselves who we are. We are members of the Body of Christ, specifically the Church Militant. And just as we continue to do our everyday jobs as best we can despite all that's going on, so we can - and must - pray, united with each other, for the election of a good pope. And that prayer should spring from us with an ardent plea for the guidance of the Holy Spirit, as well as God's mercy on us all who struggle here on earth.

I hope all this reminds us both how important it is to take seriously our role as soldiers in the Church Militant. I also hope we remember that not only in this important decision of picking a new pope, but also in everything we do each day in our work and in the rest of our lives, it should be God's Holy Will that we desire. Finally, I hope that we thank God that He has created us to be His instruments to accomplish His Holy Will, as He sees fit.

Even if only for the time it took you to read this short comment this all sinks in and takes root, this day will be a productive day at work for you - even a holy, productive day.

And now, back to work. 


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