Our Holy Father's Example of Humility at Work

We started this week thinking of Our Holy Father and his example of humility. As we all strive for success this week in our work, let's keep our notion of success in perspective. The example of humility which Benedict has given us all can help us here. Pray for Benedict XVI in these last days of his papacy. Let us remember him in his failing strength, courageously standing before the whole world to reveal his weakness and let go the attention, adulation and high esteem of the world.

We all labor together in this world for the greater glory of God. From the Pope to the lowliest of us all, we labor together. Let's remember this.

How appropriate that these historic events take place during Lent. We began this Holy Season united in our ashes - from the lowliest of us to the most exalted. Now we engage in our special and personal spiritual battle against the world, the flesh and the devil united now in a most special way to our Holy Father in his last days as the visible head of our Holy Mother Church.

And so we forge ahead in our work this week, performing our duties diligently, meeting all our responsibilities as best we can, in the midst of the spiritual battle of Lent, united with our Holy Father, we the Church Militant, together in our struggle.

Each of us now faces the challenges of our work. No matter how difficult this week's work may be for some of us, we are never alone in our struggle.

I can across a passage in Book of Sirach (40:1-4) that reminds us how we work, we struggle, we fight together:

Much labor was created for every man,
and a heavy yoke is upon the sons of Adam,
from the day they come forth from their mother's womb
till the day they return to the mother of all.
Their perplexities and fear of heart - 
their anxious thought is the day of death,
from the man who sits on a splendid throne 
to the one who is humbles in dust and ashes,
from the man who wears purple and a crown
to the one who is clothed in burlap...

This day and every day, let us Catholic men at work remember that we are united, all of us, in our struggles. We work and pray together.

And pray especially for our Holy Father.


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