A Sunday Morning Thought to Start the Week Off Right

The Epiphany falls on Sunday - today - this year, so we get to celebrate the Epiphany on...the Epiphany! Ever since I-don't-know-when our Bishops have declared the Epiphany should be celebrated on a Sunday close to the Epiphany rather than the actual Epiphany (January 6th), we celebrate the Epiphany on different dates.

Doesn't this sound needlessly complicated?

Don't get me started. So in that spirit, I'll just do what I gotta do and let the Bishops do what they gotta do. What I figure I gotta do in this relatively New Year of Our Lord 2013 is circle back to basics. Just like a great athlete always works on the "fundamentals" of their particular sport, or even a great musician has to practice their scales and exercises to stay sharp, we Catholics have basics that we can always work on to become holier - our whole objective in this life. This time it's my Morning Resolve, in fact the very first line:

I will try this day to live a simple, sincere and serene life...

Okay, so I think the Bishops complicate things when they mess with the "observation" of the Epiphany, just like I think they complicate things when they declare that Holy Day isn't a holy day when it falls on the day before or after a Sunday. (Why? Are we Catholics too lazy or delicate to be able to go to Mass two days in a row? They don't want to make too many demands on us? Ah, you got me started again.) But that doesn't mean we need to get sucked into that sort of thinking. Just turn to that first line of the Morning Resolve. Nothing complicated here:

I will try this day to live a simple, sincere and serene life...

Right. Simple. Sincere. Serene. Okay, that's more like it.

(You can read - better still, pray - the whole Morning Resolve by clicking HERE.)


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