Sunday Morning Thought: What I Don't Want To Forget During Advent

Advent begins today. We prepare our souls to welcome Our Lord in a special way at Christmas. As I prepare for the coming week's work, I won't forget the preparation that's unique to Advent - preparation that includes penance, Advent being a penitential season of the Church's Liturgical Year.

How appropriate that we begin this New Year with a penitential spirit. How much we need penance in our lives, lives stained so often by sin. Holy Mother Church knows us so well. As we Catholics try to start our week off right, She starts our whole year off right - in this spirit of penance.

So I'm all set except for one thing: I don't want to forget the Holy Souls. November was the month when we prayed in a special way for them. But now that the light of Christmas peeks over the horizon, it's easy to shift gears and - heaven forbid - forget the Holy Souls, the Church Suffering - so easy to forget, and so often forgotten especially as our lives get even busier with not only our work, but our practical preparations for the great Christmas Season just weeks away. But I won't and can't forget them. Here's why.

During November I learned about the "Heroic Act," a special commitment to the Holy Souls. All propitiation (our conciliatory acts directed to God in reparation for our sins) is directed to the relief of the Holy Souls suffering in purgatory when you commit yourself to this Heroic Act. As a result, I now rely totally on God's mercy for my own salvation, for how and when I get to Heaven. Any acts of reparation (small, weak and miserable as they typically are!) are directed to the Church Suffering.

I'm not telling you this because I'm trying to show off how holy I am. I'm mostly writing this to first of all remind myself of my commitment and firm up that commitment. I figure if I put it "out there," it will be harder for me to slack off. And, of course, I'm telling you about this so that you will know of it too. You don't hear about such things much during this time of "Catholic lite." We're talking serious Catholic stuff here!

So how does the Heroic Act impact my life right now? Well, by God's grace, as this Heroic Act strips away all my selfish thoughts and acts, I'm hoping that this "holy habit" not only benefits those I love who have died, by also those who are still here on earth, that they no longer have to endure my selfishness. By being "selfless" in my propitiatory acts, perhaps this will rub off on my overall bearing, on how I treat others around me, most especially those in my family who are nearest to me and have to put up with my selfishness. At least that's what I hope.

Yes, Advent begins today, and we prepare our souls for the coming of Christ. This fresh start re-energizes our spiritual lives. And for me, this Advent, and the graces that flow from our observance of this Holy Season, will help me to endure, to persist, in this holy habit of the Heroic Act. And just so I don't somehow forget, or find a way to wiggle out of my commitment due to laziness of any fear about how in heck I'm going to get to Heaven if I devote all my propitiatory acts to others (the Holy Souls) instead of myself, here's a quick prayer:
With great trepidation, I tell you, dear Lord, that I stand ready to suffer for the sake of the Holy Souls. Help me to endure any physical, emotional, or mental suffering that comes my way, that I may offer it up sincerely, consistently, for the souls in Purgatory. Most especially help me to to passively and patiently endure suffering and discomfort that comes my way, knowing how hard this might be when compared to voluntary penances I might initiate.
May we all observe a Holy Advent, each in his own way, by God's good graces.

Divine Infant of Bethlehem, come and take birth in our hearts.


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