Obama Wins - Now, Back to Work

Obama won a second term. The "most important election of our lifetime" (aren't they all lately?) ends with nothing changed. The Democrats retain the House; Republicans retain a majority in the Senate. Here are some personal observations:

Let's start with one word: Obamacare. Our healthcare will be provided by the State, in collusion with insurance companies. We see here another big step in the growing power of the corporatist state and its control over our lives. The collaboration of government and its favored institutions survives and grows stronger.

Another layer of grease was applied to the slippery slope of cultural decline as the people in two states, Maryland and Maine, voted for "gay marriage" (a bastardization of language if ever there was one). Two more states, Minnesota and Wisconsin, held votes on this and will report results later.

So the quick summary of yesterday's events: The expansion of the socialist/corporatist state and the decline of our culture accelerates.

Many Catholic friends, so enthusiastically campaigning for Republicans, will ideally remember the virtue of Hope as they lick their wounds and resist any temptation to despondency.

Perhaps the most unfortunate aspect of these results: the idea will probably survive that things could have really been all that much "better" had the Republicans won either or both the Senate and the Presidency. Perhaps you were a proponent of this idea. Perhaps not. In any case, the two-party system survives. Our "leaders" are safe and sound, ensconced in their power and privileges. The secularization of our society, with its anti-Christian overtones, continues unabated, most dramatically illustrated by the open sore of legalized abortion.

Again, nothing has changed.

Too cynical? I think not. Just realistic.

With that, we go back to work, somewhat distracted to be sure. Yet another opportunity comes our way to truly totally trust in God for everything, and let go of our desire to control everything. In a moment, the demands of the day will soon press in, and we will do our best to work for the greater glory of God.


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