Does Everyone Want It NOW Where Your Work?

Everyone wants it NOW at work.

Your boss is getting impatient. "Where's that assignment? What, it's not finished yet? But it's been a WHOLE DAY since you got it - and it's not done yet? I need it NOW!"

Then there's your boss's boss. He wants it NOW from your boss...which is why your boss is getting impatient and wants it NOW from you.

And your boss's boss is on the phone with the Big Boss who - naturally - wants it NOW.

Or maybe it's your customer who just told you about some problem with your company's product or service. The problem needs to be solved NOW. The customer's not interested in how busy you are with other customers. He's not interested in the fact that you promised your wife you'd be home early so that you could spend some extra time with the family and celebrate your kid's birthday. The customer not only doesn't know about the other things going on in your life, there's a really good chance he doesn't care.

So you pray, "Dear Lord, I need your help. I need to get this to my (boss, customer, client...whoever) NOW and I not only don't have enough time, but I'm not even sure just how to get what they want done the way they want it. I'm stuck. HELP!"

And He doesn't hear...or at least it seems like He doesn't hear.

Why do you think He doesn't hear? Because you didn't get your answer NOW. You're still waiting.

If you've ever experienced the stress - sometimes even the TERROR - of NOW, here's a prayer I came across:

“Dear Jesus, I do trust You for the guidance of my life, and to You I have long ago entrusted it. But at times the dice of life seem loaded against me, and it looks like a useless thing to try to play the game of life straight. I call on You, and You give no least sign of listening. I implore You, and I seem to fail to catch Your attention. It is hard to go ahead then – and You know it is. But all the same I want to prove my love for You then, and so I humbly beg Your grace to be always patient with You.” (Father LeBuffe, SJ)

So if you're facing NOW right now, take a deep breath. Try praying as Father LeBuffe suggests.


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