Who Does San Antonio's Mayor Castro Work For?

The mayor of San Antonio was interviewed during the recent Democrat convention. His name is Castro and he says he's a "practicing" Catholic. The mayor of a town or city is supposed to work for the citizens of that town or city. He's supposed to be in "public service."

But my guess is that this mayor of San Antonio, this guy Castro, isn't working for the people who put him in office. My guess is that he's working for the devil. Why? Because the devil is the Father of Lies. And when you think about what this mayor was saying, you can see that he has embraced lies. He is furthering the cause of the devil through his embracing and living a lie.

First he claimed that he supported policies that allow and even promote abortion. That part of his argument comes down to using the phrase "the right of a woman to choose," hence the term "pro-choice." That's bad enough.

The other part of his argument was that his pro-abortion views are perfectly consistent with being a Catholic. He's a "pro-choice" Catholic. When people like this mayor claim they are "pro-choice" Catholics, they are posing as something they're not. They can't be Catholic and be pro-choice.

Does he not understand this? Is he simply ignorant of this fundamental truth? How is it possible that he might be ignorant of this?

Could it be that he's lying to himself? Could he know the truth but reject it through some twisted logic that he heard from someone else? That's possible. And from whom did the person who taught him learn that twisted logic? We could try to trace it back to a parent, a teacher, a friend, even a perverted priest or a twisted bishop. But where the heck did they come up with this twisted logic?

I'd say they learned it from the devil, the Father of Lies. Who else could conceive of something so monstrous? Who else could come up with a logic so twisted as to justify a man who claims to be practicing the Catholic faith who supports the murder of innocents? Can we spare ourselves from slogging through the filth and mud of all the arguments we've heard over the years and get right down to the fact that there is no legitimate argument to justify this? Can we just do that? OK?

But wait. Maybe the mayor thinks that he works for "the people" of San Antonio and he can show us some poll that says that lots of San Antonians, maybe even a majority, support abortion. Doesn't he work for the people of San Antonio? Isn't he doing their bidding if he supports abortion?

You and I know people fall for this sort of thinking. And I hope you know it's bogus. Abortion is the taking of an innocent life. The fact that the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that abortion can be legal under the laws of the United States doesn't change that fact. No honest person could argue that abortion is not the killing of a human being. A fetus is, from the moment of conception, a human being. This is indisputable scientific fact.

So is the mayor saying that because some poll shows that citizens of San Antonio support the taking of innocent life that he, as mayor, my support the taking of innocent life? And even if he were to point out that no less an esteemed body than the "sacred" Supreme Court of the United States has declared that the taking of innocent life is not a crime, that it is somehow "legal," does that excuse him from following such a law, endorsing such a law, a law that clearly ought not to be obeyed? Can a Catholic not understand that we are not required to obey unjust laws? Indeed we are supposed to protest and resist unjust laws?

I hope that you who are reading this think that I'm preaching to the choir or beating a dead horse here. But the reason I'm beating this dead horse is so that we don't get soft or lax. We can't cut people like this any slack. We can't let ourselves be sucked into thinking that there are any legitimate arguments that this mayor or people like him can possibly present to justify their sinful acts. We can't "understand," or "tolerate," them. We don't have to hate them as persons, or course, but we can't accept or justify their actions. Period.

And if this mayor thinks he's justified because he's a working for the people of his city and his job somehow requires that he not take a stand against abortion, then he really does need our prayers. He is not working for the people of San Antonio. Rather than being in the service of the people of San Antonio, he's in the service of the devil. He's not doing the bidding of the people of San Antonio; he's doing the bidding of the devil.

Now I don't know this man. I don't know anything about him personally. It doesn't matter. That doesn't affect what I'm saying in the least.

If we don't condemn this man's position, we merely assist him in his service to the devil. If we don't condemn him roundly, loudly, persistently, aggressively, we do him no service, we serve the devil.

It comes down to serving God or serving the devil. This guy Castro has obviously made his choice. His "pro-choice" comes down to this: He chooses to serve the devil.


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