A Cup of Coffee and This Should Get You Through the Day Just Fine
I'm a coffee drinker, meaning that on a good day I'll go for 3 - 4 cups - at least 2 in any case. I like it in the morning to "get me going." And I like a cup a couple of times throughout the day to keep me focused on my work. It's quick and effective.
My work is important and I want to do a good job. But today I found something that's quick and effective to keep me focused on the most important task we all face every day: getting to Heaven. It's from Sirach 7:36.
Holy Mother Church used to tell us to meditate on the "Four Last Things": Death, Judgment, Heaven, Hell. (Actually she still does, only many of her priests simply don't talk about this any more.) This thought from Sirach is about Death, and it explains in the simplest manner the great wisdom behind the Church's advice to meditate on Death.
Makes perfect sense to me.
My work is important and I want to do a good job. But today I found something that's quick and effective to keep me focused on the most important task we all face every day: getting to Heaven. It's from Sirach 7:36.
In all you do, remember the end of your life,
and then you will never sin.
Makes perfect sense to me.