What Relativism Really Means

Relativism has seeped into every nook and cranny of our culture. Since we were talking about how we Catholic men need to oppose relativism, even at our places of work, I wanted to provide some encouragement - no urgency to this. Watch this video clip - which I believe to be authentic, and not some satire - and you'll understand why it's up to us to not only oppose relativism, but to literally save our culture and society from total collapse.

This is precisely what a world drenched in relativism looks like. But I must say that when I first watched this, it really disturbed me. Can you see how the very ideas of right and wrong don't even exist for these people?

My wife saw it and thought of the novel A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess. There's no violence here, as there is in the novel, but can you see why people who think this way can maim, even kill with hardly a second thought?

I could go on, but just remember this clip whenever you come across people who think that there's no objective basis for true and false or good and bad or beautiful and ugly. You must never, ever let these ideas or this sort of attitude anywhere near you, or your family. And the more you can provide a good example to others of what a life lived in the light of the Truth is like, the more you will be able to counter this Dictatorship of Relativism, as it's been labeled by our Holy Father, Benedict XVI.

This is really, REALLY important guys.


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