How to Increase Your Virtues at Work with Psalm 101 - continued
Continuing our discussion of how Psalm 101 will help us increase our virtues at work, we now get down to the real nitty-gritty.
My heart and mind won't be dragged down into wrong-doing, coarseness, or vulgarity. I will behave this day and every day as a Catholic gentlemen in my speech and in the way I carry myself. When I come across people whose behavior or work betrays wrong-doing, coarseness or vulgarity, neither their words nor their actions will drag me down.
Not only will such people and their actions not drag me down, but I will remember that, while the natural law is written on the hearts of all of us, those who speak and act perversely do so because they have allowed their hearts to become perverse. There's hardly a chance for what's really right or good or beautiful to break through to their thoughts and actions. They have allowed their hearts to become perverse, either because of ignorance, laziness or - and don't think I'm being "judgmental" here - they purposely choose the false, the bad, the ugly. In other words, they sin.
And, of course, we who are sinners ourselves must continually struggle to avoid sin and the occasions of sin, no matter where we work or with whom we work.
Every man has a right to his good name. Make this an iron rule: No gossip or uncharitable comments about anyone EVER. It's so much a part of workplace conversation for many people, but we can't indulge in this - EVER.
As for those prideful types who either look down on others and express their condescension in words or actions, don't allow yourself to agree or even seem to agree with such words or actions. This even applies when someone says something funny about someone else that's really a "put down." It may be funny, but it's at someone's expense. Even if the object of derision isn't present, don't give in here and indulge in this sort of behavior.
And if you've got a prideful spirit, GET SOME HUMILITY, by the grace of God.
Cultivate friendships and relationships with good, even holy, people. They're out there. Stay away from the other types, but provide them with the opportunity to improve themselves by giving good example.
Always be honest and never tolerate dishonesty. Set the right tone at home by never lying or tolerating lies. In the workplace, do the same. There's nothing about commerce or competition that compels anyone to lie. As for those who do lie, either stay away from them or - if push comes to shove - say or do something. It doesn't have to be heavy handed or confrontational. (Click HERE for an example.)
I will not set before my heart anything that is base. I hate the work of those who fall away; it shall not cleave to me.
My heart and mind won't be dragged down into wrong-doing, coarseness, or vulgarity. I will behave this day and every day as a Catholic gentlemen in my speech and in the way I carry myself. When I come across people whose behavior or work betrays wrong-doing, coarseness or vulgarity, neither their words nor their actions will drag me down.
Perverseness of heart shall be far from me;
I will know nothing of evil.
Not only will such people and their actions not drag me down, but I will remember that, while the natural law is written on the hearts of all of us, those who speak and act perversely do so because they have allowed their hearts to become perverse. There's hardly a chance for what's really right or good or beautiful to break through to their thoughts and actions. They have allowed their hearts to become perverse, either because of ignorance, laziness or - and don't think I'm being "judgmental" here - they purposely choose the false, the bad, the ugly. In other words, they sin.
And, of course, we who are sinners ourselves must continually struggle to avoid sin and the occasions of sin, no matter where we work or with whom we work.
Him who slanders his neighbor secretly I will destroy. The man of haughty looks and arrogant heart I will not endure.
Every man has a right to his good name. Make this an iron rule: No gossip or uncharitable comments about anyone EVER. It's so much a part of workplace conversation for many people, but we can't indulge in this - EVER.
As for those prideful types who either look down on others and express their condescension in words or actions, don't allow yourself to agree or even seem to agree with such words or actions. This even applies when someone says something funny about someone else that's really a "put down." It may be funny, but it's at someone's expense. Even if the object of derision isn't present, don't give in here and indulge in this sort of behavior.
And if you've got a prideful spirit, GET SOME HUMILITY, by the grace of God.
will look with favor on the faithful in the land,
that they may dwell
with me;
he who walks the way that is blameless shall minister to me.
Cultivate friendships and relationships with good, even holy, people. They're out there. Stay away from the other types, but provide them with the opportunity to improve themselves by giving good example.
No man who practices deceit shall dwell in my house;
no man who utters lies shall continue in my presence.
Always be honest and never tolerate dishonesty. Set the right tone at home by never lying or tolerating lies. In the workplace, do the same. There's nothing about commerce or competition that compels anyone to lie. As for those who do lie, either stay away from them or - if push comes to shove - say or do something. It doesn't have to be heavy handed or confrontational. (Click HERE for an example.)
Morning by morning I will destroy all the wicked in the land, cutting off all the evildoers from the city of the Lord.
Hey, it's the Old Testament, right? Those "old" guys didn't mess around. But remember they were writing before Our Lord got here. They didn't have the consolation of being able to receive His Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity in Holy Communion every day like we do. So they could get a bit cranky at times. On the other hand, unless each of us, every day, even at work, chip away at this Dictatorship of Relativism, it will remain the powerful evil force that it is. Wickedness and evil has no place in the city of the Lord. And those who perform evil and wicked deeds need to know we're not going to take it anymore!