Why You Need to Keep Little Things at the Top of Your "To-Do" List
Keep little things at the top of your "To-Do" list at work. Yes, I know that everyone says: "Don't sweat the small stuff." Or they tell you to tackle the big stuff first - you know the stuff that's really "important."
What do they know?!!
Little things can be important too. Not only can they be important, but some little things are important - always!
Just think of it this way: If you focus on God at work, instead of yourself, you can't help but have little things at the top of your "To-Do" list. Things like little mortifications and short aspirations.
Heck, if you're Catholic, you know this, right?
You know that guy who gets on your nerves? How about a little patience and charity next time your ready to unload on him. For all you know, he's got troubles you can't even imagine. And even if you know him well enough, and you just know he's simply a jerk, an egotist, a bully - whatever - doesn't he deserve a prayer, maybe a short "Hail Mary" so that Our Lord gives him the grace he needs to change?
How about that assistant who keeps bungling his assignments? Are you sure he's doing that because he's lazy or incompetent, or too stupid to get things right? Have you taken any time to help him understand clearly exactly what you want? And if you have, have you taken a few minutes to steer him in the right direction? And even if he is lazy and stupid and incompetent, does that mean you're going to fire him? If not, help him. If you are going to fire him, then figure out how to do it charitably and stop getting angry or impatient with him.
As for you, did you tell Jesus you love Him today - even once? You know He suffered and died for you - miserable sinner that your are - just so you could have eternal happiness, right?
Did you tell Our Lady that you appreciate her intercession on your behalf today? You know that she's really your mother who cares about you and watches over you and prays for you every day, right?
What? You've just been so busy all day today? Okay, maybe you can't give your attention to this right this second, but did you even start this day with the right intention, by putting these "little things" (mortification, aspirations) at the top of your To-Do list. Well, did you?
Here's a little thought from Abbot Columba Marmion, O.S.B. (1858-1923), that comes with a little prayer that might help us do just that:
“Seek in all things to give pleasure to our Lord; do all with a great purity of intention. Before each action, say to our Lord, ‘My Jesus, I wish to do this solely for love of You; and if this action did not please You, I would not do it.’ If we do everything solely for love of Christ it is impossible for Him to fail to unite Himself to us. ‘The Father hath not left me alone, for I do always the things that please Him.’ It is the same for us: Our Lord will keep us ever united to Himself if we do all things, with the sole intention of pleasing Him.”
What do they know?!!
Little things can be important too. Not only can they be important, but some little things are important - always!
Just think of it this way: If you focus on God at work, instead of yourself, you can't help but have little things at the top of your "To-Do" list. Things like little mortifications and short aspirations.
Heck, if you're Catholic, you know this, right?
You know that guy who gets on your nerves? How about a little patience and charity next time your ready to unload on him. For all you know, he's got troubles you can't even imagine. And even if you know him well enough, and you just know he's simply a jerk, an egotist, a bully - whatever - doesn't he deserve a prayer, maybe a short "Hail Mary" so that Our Lord gives him the grace he needs to change?
How about that assistant who keeps bungling his assignments? Are you sure he's doing that because he's lazy or incompetent, or too stupid to get things right? Have you taken any time to help him understand clearly exactly what you want? And if you have, have you taken a few minutes to steer him in the right direction? And even if he is lazy and stupid and incompetent, does that mean you're going to fire him? If not, help him. If you are going to fire him, then figure out how to do it charitably and stop getting angry or impatient with him.
As for you, did you tell Jesus you love Him today - even once? You know He suffered and died for you - miserable sinner that your are - just so you could have eternal happiness, right?
Did you tell Our Lady that you appreciate her intercession on your behalf today? You know that she's really your mother who cares about you and watches over you and prays for you every day, right?
What? You've just been so busy all day today? Okay, maybe you can't give your attention to this right this second, but did you even start this day with the right intention, by putting these "little things" (mortification, aspirations) at the top of your To-Do list. Well, did you?
The fact is, sometimes we not only lack the attention,
we generally lack the IN-tention. We’re
more concerned about what we want: pleasure, rest, success, reward for a good
job, etc. In short, we focus on
ourselves and our needs and wants, not God.
We follow a natural path and neglect the supernatural, i.e., we fail to live
by faith, hope and love of God. Lacking
attention to the present moment, we miss opportunities for little
mortifications, mentally saying short aspirations, offering our work throughout the day for His greater glory.
Hard as it is to be constant and
consistent in our attention to God throughout a busy day, we can at least get
into the habit of little mortifications and aspirations; we can remember to
offer our work for His glory once, twice, three times a day. Slowly, but surely, we can direct our
attention away from ourselves and towards God.
Here's a little thought from Abbot Columba Marmion, O.S.B. (1858-1923), that comes with a little prayer that might help us do just that:
“Seek in all things to give pleasure to our Lord; do all with a great purity of intention. Before each action, say to our Lord, ‘My Jesus, I wish to do this solely for love of You; and if this action did not please You, I would not do it.’ If we do everything solely for love of Christ it is impossible for Him to fail to unite Himself to us. ‘The Father hath not left me alone, for I do always the things that please Him.’ It is the same for us: Our Lord will keep us ever united to Himself if we do all things, with the sole intention of pleasing Him.”