Why We All Need a "Partner" at Work

I run a small business. I'm a sole proprietor. I don't have a partner. I don't want a partner. But maybe I need one - a Divine Partner. Here's what I mean.

We all know we should "sanctify" our work. Sometimes I think I get this; sometimes, though, this concept isn't so clear.

For example, I just read this:

The process of our sanctification is the progressive emptying out of all attachment to self-will, pride, egoism, and sin so that we may be filled with the life and love of God, and indeed, to be filled with God Himself.

A lot of times, when I'm working, I exert my will to accomplish my daily objectives; sometimes I accomplish those objectives and am filled with pride; maybe I pat myself on the back and get kind of full of myself. It's like I'm filling myself up with "me." Is there any room left for God? So instead of emptying myself to make room for God, am I really doing the opposite - pushing God out?
Then I read this:

In order to be filled with the gifts of grace we must be poor in spirit and detached from all created things. Hence the need for penance, mortification, self-denial, self-control, and detachment.

So I get paid a nice bonus and where do my thoughts turn? Is my first thought to put aside some of that "extra" money for works of charity? Or am I thinking about that new car I wanted, or that special vacation that maybe I can afford now...or a whole host of "things" that I think I need or want. All that "stuff" really can seem very attractive at times.

After a bout of that, I understand why what can seem so unattractive - penance, mortification, self-denial, self-control, and detachment - is so incredibly important, in fact absolutely essential. Without those "unattractive" things, I'd be lost. My ego, desires, worldliness, etc. would just swamp me. My mind would be filled with everything but the one thing that really matters - God.

So am I doing enough to get rid of the worldly thoughts - even at work - and make room for God?

I've gotten anxious about this at times. I'm working so hard some days, I know I should sanctify my work (whatever that means) but is my work taking me away from God.

Then I read this:

Our own effort at "purging" ourselves of self-will is absolutely necessary., but it is not enough. We need help...God must and does step in, whether we ask Him to or not. He is our Divine Partner in the work of our sanctification.

And that's why I need a Divine Partner.

(Oh, and by the way, that's why I try make time for spiritual reading every day - usually first thing before going to work. You read this stuff and it helps straighten things out from time to time, like it just did right now.)


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