Advent at Work

Advent's here. Hard to believe. The year flew by. (So what's new?)

Let's start Advent at work the right way:

Divine Infant of Bethlehem, come and take birth in our hearts!

Did you forget to say your morning prayers this morning because you had to get in early to work. Okay, you can still get in Advent mode:

Divine Infant of Bethlehem, come and take birth in our hearts!

Are you under pressure to finish up the year strong? Is your boss all over you to close that deal before the end of the year?

Divine Infant of Bethlehem, come and take birth in our hearts!

Is business awful? Are you afraid you're going to lose your job? Does anxiety threaten to ruin your Christmas?

Divine Infant of Bethlehem, come and take birth in our hearts!

Have you lost your job? Are prospects bleak? Does it mean you'll have to lighten up on buying Christmas presents for the family?

Divine Infant of Bethlehem, come and take birth in our hearts!

No matter what's going on right now, don't forget it's Advent. Remember the Incarnation. It really happened. Jesus really was God who really did "come down" to live with us. He really did suffer and die for us so that we could spend eternity with Him and all our loved one joyfully in Heaven someday.

Divine Infant of Bethlehem, come and take birth in our hearts!


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