"Three Nothings" to Do at Work - Part 3
Finishing up with Fr. Hagspiel's "Do Nothing" thoughts, here's the final installment. Remember, we're thinking about how these apply to our work - both to what we do and to our relationships with our bosses, colleagues, customers, etc. (Of course, all this can be applied to our life outside work too.)...
Desire Nothing
Count all this world's goods as dross. They cannot bring happiness and content, and they generally harden the heart.
The only free man is the one who desires nothing. Let your prayer be, "Give me only Thy love and Thy grace. Having these I have sufficient and nothing more do I ask."
Do not desire riches which buy only material things. All the really valuable things of life, such as love, friendship, happiness, contentment, are unpurchasable. A rich man is a man who desires things, who has not poverty of spirit.
Neither desire that the hearts of others should be wrapped up in you, that esteem and honor should be yours, poor "mouthbreath" which satisfies no one.
Do not desire health or sickness, a long life or a short one, prosperity or adversity. Leave yourself completely in the hands of God, Who knows what will bring you to Heaven. Desire only to do His Holy Will, the end for which he placed you on this earth.
Desire Nothing
Count all this world's goods as dross. They cannot bring happiness and content, and they generally harden the heart.
The only free man is the one who desires nothing. Let your prayer be, "Give me only Thy love and Thy grace. Having these I have sufficient and nothing more do I ask."
Do not desire riches which buy only material things. All the really valuable things of life, such as love, friendship, happiness, contentment, are unpurchasable. A rich man is a man who desires things, who has not poverty of spirit.
Neither desire that the hearts of others should be wrapped up in you, that esteem and honor should be yours, poor "mouthbreath" which satisfies no one.
Do not desire health or sickness, a long life or a short one, prosperity or adversity. Leave yourself completely in the hands of God, Who knows what will bring you to Heaven. Desire only to do His Holy Will, the end for which he placed you on this earth.