"Three Nothings" to Do at Work - Part 2
Continiuing on with Fr. Hagspiel's "Three Nothings." We started with "Say Nothing." Now comes "Think Nothing." Read these slowly and you'll see how they'll help you at work to be a good Christian throughout your busy day. (And, of course, you can apply these to the rest of your day too.)
When I do a good job and receive praise, it feels good. Most of us like a pat on the head for a job well done. But really, shouldn't all our work be a job well done? So really, we're just doing our job when we do it well.
Anyway, it's best to just acknowledge praise or a compliment and move on. Don't even give it a second thought.
- No matter how suspicious the circumstances appear, if it is not your business, avert your mind and refrain from passing judgment even mentally.
If you hear the faults of others discussed, don't let the poison soak into your mind. It may be all pure gossip without foundation. For your part think nothing.
- When you have done a good action, do not let your mind rest on it. Think nothing of it.
- When others praise you, laugh it off. Think nothing of the praise.
- When others betray your confidence and perhaps get you into trouble - think nothing.
- When so-called friends on whom you have lavished kindness desert you - think nothing.
- When you are despised, cast aside as worthless, ignored, shelved after the devoted labor of a lifetime, remember your Lord and Master was sold for thirty pieces of silver...Think of that and naught else. Who are you that you should be prized more?
When I do a good job and receive praise, it feels good. Most of us like a pat on the head for a job well done. But really, shouldn't all our work be a job well done? So really, we're just doing our job when we do it well.
Anyway, it's best to just acknowledge praise or a compliment and move on. Don't even give it a second thought.