Using Good Will, Determination and Effort at Work

Ever have a bad day at work? You know, when things don't always go your way. I don't know about you, but for me some days are better than others. So here are three things that can make even those days - or even your worst days - good days: good will, determination and effort.

The point here is that you don't control the world, and you can't always control the results you get at work. But you can approach each day with good will, determination and effort. If you do that, you're doing your part, no matter how things turn out.

Good will just means you work with the right intentions toward the tasks at hand as well as treating those you work with and work for with justice and charity. Bad days sorely test good will. When you don't see the results you expect, you can tend to get anxious, upset, annoyed, angry, or despondent. (If thing go wrong long enough - and I've had some awfully extended bad streaks in my work life - you may even get depressed.) All these feelings will badly effect your work. Plus, you may treat the people you work with poorly.

It's not easy, but keep your good will in spite of your bad day. Just go about your business with that same good will that comes so easy to you on those great days when everything's going well. The key word here is "will." You don't have to feel good when things aren't going well. But you can exert your will and simply decide to behave with good will towards your work and towards others.

Determination dwindles quickly when no matter how hard you try, nothing goes right. But it's when things go wrong that you get to really exercise that determination that helps you reach your goals. It's like exercising on days when you wake up feeling rotten. If you've ever pushed yourself to exercise on days like that, you know what I mean. And the mere fact that you were able to push yourself and get through your routine builds  not only your body, but your character as well.

Effort can also take a hit as you watch all your best efforts go down the drain. I once spent weeks and months on two important projects that both - because of factors outside my control - ended in total failure. The organization for which I worked decided that the sort of business I was pursuing was not acceptable - after my having worked diligently and with the full knowledge and consent of my higher ups. They decided this after my having expended extraordinary effort. I did pursue the matter professionally and appealed the decision - to no avail. I also made the point that they simply could have told me early in the process that they weren't going to pursue this sort of business anymore - to no avail. Someone either dropped the ball, or simply acted irresponsibly - and I paid the price. I remember how my subsequent efforts were half-hearted for a period of time (never mind my desire to strangle someone!).

But I was perfectly capable of accepting this unfortunate turn of events and continue to put in a full effort at my job. I didn't - at least for a period of time. I should have. I was wrong not to do so.

By always focusing on good will, determination and effort each day - no matter how the day goes - you build up your character. By offering up the "bad" things that happen in spite of your good will, determination and efforts, you build your spiritual life. It's a good combination, I think.

So take these three things - good will, determination and effort - to work with you every day. And make up your mind to work with good will, determination and effort no matter what happens during the day.

This is one simple yet challenging way we can sanctify our work.


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