Why What We DO Isn't So Important

Do you have your "To Do" list ready today at work? Good.

After all, you know you need to be organized. You need to prioritize your activities so that important things get done on time. You don't want to just run around doing stuff that makes you feel busy.

Being productive has more to do with what you do, not that you do.

But when it comes to sanctifying our work - which is something akin to "working our way to Heaven" - doing isn't all it's cracked up to be.

It's almost "heretical" to say this in the context of our work lives, but when it comes to spiritual activity - for example sanctifying our work - reacting is more important that acting.

Yes, I realize that it's good to be active and engaged, to take the initiative at work. Don't let me stop you; keep up the good work.

But when it comes to our spiritual lives, our reactions to what comes our way make us holy, not so much our actions. What it comes down to is simply this: we let God have His way, rather than concentrating on us having our way.

Sure, I've worked hard to be organized and to prioritize my activities so that I get the important tasks done first. When I'm on my game, I've got a "To Do" list that helps me to tackle the important stuff first thing in the morning before I get sidetracked with the stuff that flies at me throughout the day. Certain days I practically attack my work with that list right there in front of me.

But it's that stuff that comes at me that will help me grow closer to God.

That difficult annoying co-worker's going to get under my skin no matter what I do some days. How do I react to him? Do I make every effort to be charitable, to not give in to annoyance or anger?

Those detailed reports I'm responsible for can't be avoided. Do I grind my teeth and give in to impatience; or do I say a quick prayer and make sure I do a thorough, complete job?

That back pain's really bothering me today; plus, I'm especially frustrated because it was my fault; I caused it when I exercised this morning by turning the wrong way. (There's nothing more frustrating and exasperating for me than injuring myself when I exercise - something that's supposed to be good for me!)

So do I "offer it up" or do I let the pain kind of take over and feel sorry for myself?

See, if I can react to all these little (and sometimes big) annoyances, challenges, pains and sufferings throughout the day, I can grow closer to God.

Now, it's good to be active too in the spiritual life. Our prayers, spiritual reading, studying the teachings of the Church, getting to daily Mass, those little mortifications we perform during the day and all the rest - it's all good stuff. Again, keep up the good work.

But we all find ourselves in difficult circumstances from time to time. There are even times when difficult circumstances are served up to us daily. And it's here where we have the best opportunity to grow closer to God. It's how we react to those difficult circumstances that we really work our way to Heaven.

What happens is I'm letting God have His way; I'm not focusing anymore on having my way. The patient bearing of our crosses takes us out of ourselves. And so our reactions purify and sanctify us far more than what we do, more than those prayers and self-imposed mortifications we dutifully and rightly perform every day.

So if you come across difficult circumstances at work today, take a moment to give thanks to God. He's giving you the opportunity to grow one step closer to Him. See how He loves us!


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