Catholic Men, Work and Spiritual Direction

Catholic men at work and spiritual direction don't always mix well. At least it seems or feels that way sometimes.

Like when you're not even reading scripture every day, doing some spiritual reading, spending some time every day or at least every weak studying the Faith, saying the rosary, getting to daily Mass...well, if you can't do those basics, spiritual direction can simply seem impossible.

But St Theresa of Avila said, "Souls need to open their hearts to someone; every soul needs an outlet." And she wasn't just talking about having a best bud to just unload on when something's bugging you or to share a beer or two with. She was talking about growing closer to God by improving our souls, by perfecting our spiritual life. And she knew that a spiritual director was an effective way to improve the spiritual life. In fact, she and many of the saints we know had spiritual directors.

But unfortunately, for us busy men working day after day, spiritual direction can seem an impossibility, or maybe a luxury we working guys can't afford.

Then there's the whole issue of finding a good spiritual director. Sadly, many priests don't pursue being spiritual directors (some really don't have time; some just don't do it). Plus, from my perspective, I wouldn't trust just any old priest with my soul. But that's just me.

I started thinking about spiritual direction this week because the feast of St Ignatius Loyola was this past Saturday (July 31st). He's special to me. And he was well known for his ability to guide and direct souls.

After leading a mediocre life, he became a great saint, founding what is arguably the most influential religious order ever: the Jesuits (although others like the Franciscans and Dominicans would - I suspect - argue the point).

St Ignatius composed his famous "Spiritual Exercises" and shared his ideas and techniques with the first Jesuits. You can find different versions of the Spiritual Exercises in writing, video, DVD, etc. If you can't find a good spiritual director, maybe try the Spiritual Exercises.

(Of course, if you can break away and go through the Spiritual Exercises under the direction of a good priest, all the better. But you can also find them and work your way through them on you own too.)

Even if you were to find a good spiritual director, making the time on a consistent basis becomes a challenge. Like right now, after getting back to spiritual direction after a lapse some years, it's been a couple of months since I've been able to get together with my spiritual director. It's a shame because I was averaging maybe once every three weeks or so. And it only takes up about 20 minutes every few weeks. (Note to self: e-mail Father M and set an appointment!)

So how about we all ask St Ignatius for his help, his intercession here.

St Ignatius, please pray for all us Catholic men. Please help us to discipline ourselves so that we follow a plan for our lives, and a plan for each day. Let that plan include reading scripture, some spiritual reading, studying the Faith, a few minutes of meditation, saying special prayers like the rosary, daily Mass whenever possible, even visiting Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament when we can find an open church and few minutes during the day. Help us to examine our consciences at the end of the day for just a few minutes to see what went wrong and what went right. Help us to get to confession regularly, so that, along with our frequent Holy Communion, we avail ourselves of the graces that come with the sacraments. And help us all to find a good spiritual director and actually spend time growing closer to God under the guidance of a good director. With all the time and effort we put into our work, help us to always, everywhere, every day know that we work as you always said we should:

Ad maiorem Dei gloriam

For the greater glory of God.


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