Work is always about people - and God
Do you work with people? Is work more about paperwork? Maybe you just work with numbers all day.
Of course, most of us spend enormous amounts of our day staring at computer screens, maybe even surrounded by lots of other people staring at screens in their own cubes or offices. But that's another story.
Today I'm talking about the fact that no matter what your actual work entails, it inevitably involves people and God.
For example, even if you work in accounting and stare at, crunch, calculate and analyze number 8 hours a day, at some point there's a human being involved in what you do. It could be your boss, a co-worker with whom you collaborate from time to time, or just an assistant who's assigned to help you out.
Now, let's assume you're a real whiz at numbers. Your work is impeccable. Your boss recognizes this and you yourself are even content with the pay and recognition you receive. (Yes, I know this is rare, unfortunately!) But maybe you're not the most cheerful kid on the block. Or maybe you work with or near someone who's a real pain in the you-know-what.
If you do great work, but you're a crank, it's not the end of the world. But wouldn't it be a lot better for all involved - including you - if you were more cheerful than cranky? C'mon, admit it. Life's lighter and sunnier when someone's smiling rather than scowling, isn't it?
How about that pain you work with? Does he or she make you grind your teeth, or does your stomach churn when they walk by? Your work's going so well, yet every time you even think about so-and-so, a cloud covers your workspace. Things aren't so good anymore. So-and-so just drags you down - maybe even gets you angry.
This is where God comes in. We may not always remember, but He's there working with you too. Notice I didn't say He's "watching" (although He does that too); I said He's working.
See, our work is His work - or at least it should be. He's the Creator. It's His world. And I'm thinking He's a big fan of cheerfulness and patience.
He's a fan of us being cheerful as much as possible because you, a Catholic man at work, are one of His boys. You see, you may remember He's there from time to time, but most other people don't. They don't see Him, but they see you. And if they know you're Catholic (something you should not only never hide, but something people should know about you, right?) they'll ultimately experience Him through you. And, of course, the thought of a cranky God isn't going to really attract people as much as a cheerful (aka "loving") God.
As for that guy or woman who gets on your nerves, God's got him or her in His Mind and Heart. He loves them as He loves you. He wants them to get to heaven someday, just like He wants you to get to heaven. So you and the pain are in the same boat - a boat that's leaving everyday for heaven, if only you'd row in the right direction.
And, as you might suspect, that direction gets a bit fuzzy when you're grinding your teeth or your stomach's churning. Who can keep things moving the right way when resentment, annoyance or anger's always dominating your thoughts and emotions?
So it's all people and God - no matter your job. Do your best, but remember those around you and remember God's right there with you. Be his servant all the time.
And if that pain just keeps being a pain, well, offer it up. Do your best not to be a pain too. Set a good example to the pain and - you never know - God may just step in and turn them right around one day. It happens.
Of course it happens in His own time, according to His Will, right? So you may never see it.
But that's not your concern. Just get back to work - cheerfully.
Of course, most of us spend enormous amounts of our day staring at computer screens, maybe even surrounded by lots of other people staring at screens in their own cubes or offices. But that's another story.
Today I'm talking about the fact that no matter what your actual work entails, it inevitably involves people and God.
For example, even if you work in accounting and stare at, crunch, calculate and analyze number 8 hours a day, at some point there's a human being involved in what you do. It could be your boss, a co-worker with whom you collaborate from time to time, or just an assistant who's assigned to help you out.
Now, let's assume you're a real whiz at numbers. Your work is impeccable. Your boss recognizes this and you yourself are even content with the pay and recognition you receive. (Yes, I know this is rare, unfortunately!) But maybe you're not the most cheerful kid on the block. Or maybe you work with or near someone who's a real pain in the you-know-what.
If you do great work, but you're a crank, it's not the end of the world. But wouldn't it be a lot better for all involved - including you - if you were more cheerful than cranky? C'mon, admit it. Life's lighter and sunnier when someone's smiling rather than scowling, isn't it?
How about that pain you work with? Does he or she make you grind your teeth, or does your stomach churn when they walk by? Your work's going so well, yet every time you even think about so-and-so, a cloud covers your workspace. Things aren't so good anymore. So-and-so just drags you down - maybe even gets you angry.
This is where God comes in. We may not always remember, but He's there working with you too. Notice I didn't say He's "watching" (although He does that too); I said He's working.
See, our work is His work - or at least it should be. He's the Creator. It's His world. And I'm thinking He's a big fan of cheerfulness and patience.
He's a fan of us being cheerful as much as possible because you, a Catholic man at work, are one of His boys. You see, you may remember He's there from time to time, but most other people don't. They don't see Him, but they see you. And if they know you're Catholic (something you should not only never hide, but something people should know about you, right?) they'll ultimately experience Him through you. And, of course, the thought of a cranky God isn't going to really attract people as much as a cheerful (aka "loving") God.
As for that guy or woman who gets on your nerves, God's got him or her in His Mind and Heart. He loves them as He loves you. He wants them to get to heaven someday, just like He wants you to get to heaven. So you and the pain are in the same boat - a boat that's leaving everyday for heaven, if only you'd row in the right direction.
And, as you might suspect, that direction gets a bit fuzzy when you're grinding your teeth or your stomach's churning. Who can keep things moving the right way when resentment, annoyance or anger's always dominating your thoughts and emotions?
So it's all people and God - no matter your job. Do your best, but remember those around you and remember God's right there with you. Be his servant all the time.
And if that pain just keeps being a pain, well, offer it up. Do your best not to be a pain too. Set a good example to the pain and - you never know - God may just step in and turn them right around one day. It happens.
Of course it happens in His own time, according to His Will, right? So you may never see it.
But that's not your concern. Just get back to work - cheerfully.