God Knows You - Period

God knows us. We learned this in our catechism class. We should really know this in our hearts. Unfortunately, sometimes we don't really appreciate this fact. Let's face it, most of us aren't perfect. We sin or have sinful desires. We don't always conduct ourselves as we should and so may give bad example to others. Who wants to be thinking about how God is right there knowing all this? Sometimes you'd just rather hide somewhere rather than feel good about God really knowing you.

Let's say you're at work and you simply wish something unpleasant on someone who just really irritates you or who maybe has done you some real harm. Do you really want God knowing that you just cursed this guy out? Do you really want to know that God sees what's in your mind and heart? I know I don't.

But I've come to realize how silly that is. You can't stick your head in the sand. You can't hide the broken dish and tell Him you didn't break it. It's childish, isn't it? And we're Catholic men. We're the ones our wives, our children, our friends, and our co-workers look to for a good example of real manhood. It's time to be a man everywhere, all the time.

Read Psalm 139 to burn this into your mind. It tells us how God knows us all:

O Lord, thou hast searched me and known me!
Thou knowest when I sit down and when I rise up;
thou discernest my thoughts from afar
Thou searchest out my path and my lying down
And art acquainted with all my ways
Even before a word is on my tongue, lo, O Lord,
Thou knowest it altogether.

You see. He knows. Instead of trying to hide, rejoice in the fact. He's with us at work, all day long. He's not far off where we've got to stop what we're doing and make a gargantuan effort to somehow "make Him" present in our work. He's already there and He knows everything we're doing.

How wonderful! All we need to do is remember this simple fact every once in a while. He's here with us, right now.

As for the sinful part of us, He knows that too. But look. Hiding from Him won't make things better. Just knowing He knows should be a relief. Sure you should confess your sins, but He already knows.

So live like a man. Face the truth. Look reality square in the eye. God knows you - period. Now let that simple, profound fact seep in and take control of your work and your life. Right now, in this New Year.


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