Bringing the Christmas Spirit to Office Politics

Now that Christmas season is over, we hear about how we should keep "the Christmas spirit" in hearts all year long. So here's little thought about the Baby Jesus and office politics.

I always hated office politics. Was it because I was never very good at it? Maybe. But it always seemed like such a waste of time. Nothing was accomplished by the various factions at each others throats. Nothing was accomplished by someone undermining someone else. Wasn't the idea of being there at work to accomplish those objectives each day that advanced the mission of our business, whatever that might be? Then what place does office politics play in that, except to advance the agenda of certain individuals?

Anyway, even though Christmas season "officially" ended this past Sunday, I wanted to share something I came across from a whole bunch of things I was reading with Christmas themes these past weeks. It's something so simple and so obvious I just wanted to share it with you now. It's this: Jesus is on our side - in the sense that He sees things from your perspective.

My point isn't to say that Jesus takes sides in office politics, or that He's taking your side against someone else. He doesn't take sides like that. In fact, let's just assume that Jesus keeps out of office politics altogether!

What it means is that He sees things as you see them. He knows you and He knows just how you think and feel - about everything.

Now this is incredible, isn't it. We just celebrated that fact that God comes to us as a baby so that we can get closer to Him. And we learn that He understands everything from our perspective. He sees things as we do.

In the case of office politics, He knows exactly what we're thinking and feeling. So we can go to Him if we get caught up in those political webs and talk things through with Him.

But beware if you do! He's not necessarily going to take sides with you. He's not going to let you "win." Winning is about power. He's about Truth. As a matter of fact, He is Truth. So when you go to Him and talk about some office politics or anything else during the work day, He's there to listen, to understand. And if you seek guidance of some sort, you'll get it. You'll get the Truth.

Now there's a refreshing thought - the Truth, that is. So much of the world is wrapped up in falseness and lies. So many people at work wander around trying to advance their careers, impress others, even undermine others. And there in the midst of it is little Baby Jesus, just come into our hearts at Christmas, the Way, the Truth, the Life.

There's a true Christmas gift for you: the Truth. Who can beat that! All we've got to do is always, consistently go to Him and share our thoughts and feelings. He already knows them, of course, but we'll know that He sees things as we do, so He really, REALLY understands us.

And just knowing someone is always there who really understands and is always ready to listen will get us through anything that comes our way in 2010 - even office politics.


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