Why Work and Our Spiritual Life Don't Seem to Mix Well Sometimes

Yes, it's tough to get our work life and our spiritual life to get together sometimes (maybe a lot of the time). We get busy and forget God - day after day. Sometimes the two almost seem opposed to each other. We've got our faith and then there's the "real" world.

Even those of us who pray in the morning and at night; or read some scripture and a little spiritual reading; or study the doctrines of the faith to deepen our faith - even get to Mass during the week. With all that, God disappears once we start working.

How does that happen? It's easy. Once the work day starts, it seems like God's not there anymore. Or maybe we show Him the door: "OK now, God, I've done all my spiritual stuff for the day, but you'll have to go now. I'm busy with my work and won't have any time for you now." We put God aside - God in a box.

Crazy, isn't it? God doesn't disappear and He won't fit in that box. He's everywhere all the time. But of course, you knew that.

So what's the problem? Why do we have trouble keeping Him "in the loop" during the day while we're hard a work? You've figured out how to keep your boss and your colleagues in the loop at work, why not God? Is it because He doesn't get angry or bent out of shape if you ignore Him? Is it because He doesn't seem to be making any demands on you, while everyone else at work does?

Of course, those demands are real. And work's demands are more immediate: no work, no pay. No pay and...well, fill in the blanks.

OK, so God isn't hovering over you during the work day, making demands. But He's there. He's watching and waiting.

Hey, now that I think of it, that's pretty nice of Him. He watches and waits for us! Everyone's making all these demands. They expect things, even demand things, from us. But God's just hanging back - no demands.

It's gets better. He watches and waits because He loves us. So maybe He it would be nice to show some appreciation now and then. You know, maybe just an acknowledgment from time to time. "Hi God. I know you're there."

It really doesn't have to be much more than that. A simple acknowledgment that that He exists. It's a start, anyway.

And the really fantastic part of it is, He's glad when we acknowledge Him during the day. He loves us and simply wants us to love Him too. So maybe you can just tell Him that every once in a while during the day. You know, just a simple "I love you God." It only takes a second.


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