To My Spiritual Director (continued)...

So what's the story with these guys? Are they clueless? Is this some sort of "technique" they've honed to get us to at least say a few prayers every day or get to Mass once in a while besides Sunday?

Well, I finally did figure out they're not clueless and it's more than just a technique. They mean what they say when they "assign" these spiritual activities. And, lo and behold, you can actually get a lot of these things "done" in the midst of a busy work day - if your really put your mind to it.

Of course, if you're like me, you get them done and think that's the whole story. But "getting them done" isn't the whole story. The idea's to grow closer to Christ. To love Him more, grow more holy...and that doesn't always follow from just getting it all done.

For a long time, I just thought the whole thing was hopeless. I got through my stuff and didn't feel any closer to Christ, definitely didn't feel any fact, didn't notice that I was really a better person than I was before I started with a spiritual director.

But then it dawned on me that I was making a big mistake. A BIG mistake. No, I don't mean seeing a spiritual director was a mistake. I mean that my whole approach, my whole way of thinking about taking spiritual direction, even improving my spiritual life, was on the wrong track.

You get to discuss all this with your spiritual director. At least you do if you bring these thoughts with you to direction. There's a good chance he'll have some suggestions.

One thing to remember is that how you "feel" isn't always the best gauge of how close you really are to Our Lord. Just deciding to take action and say those extra morning prayers, get to Mass, examine your conscience and all the rest, will bring you closer to Him. You just may not "feel" it.

Still, it's frustrating when you don't feel that closeness. And that brings us back to your spiritual director and why it's a good idea to see one.


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