Political change vs. "people change"

Let's face it. We're in the midst of the greatest political and economic changes of our lifetimes. Where will it all go? Will this be change for the better? Only God knows.

For us, Catholic men at work, the task at hand is challenge enough. How do we keep God "in the mix" while we keep up with our work and the demands of our personal and family lives?

Most of us men spend the bulk of our time working. Demands from others fill in all the spare moments when we're not working. So sometimes it seems we don't have even a minute of peace, or a single moment to think about God.

Yet we love Christ and want to live our Faith, the Faith that Jesus Himself taught us. Given all those legitimate demands of work and family, how do we make time for Him who is most important to us?

First of all, take heart. You're not alone. The mere fact that you care about this at all means your heart is in the right place. You're already on the road to success in developing your spiritual life, your relationship with Jesus Christ.

We men at work need to simply remember that we are, in fact, Catholic men at work. And we need to know that being Catholic makes a difference in everything we think and say and do - even at work.

We don't leave God at the door when we leave home in the morning. Even if we don't think of Him during the day, He's with us. The first step in being a Catholic man at work is to simply recognize this fact.

That's one reason why you're not alone. God is with you. That reason alone gives us all great cause to rejoice!

The other reason you're not alone is that there are lots of men like you. They want to have God more fully integrated into their lives, including their work lives. They don't want to feel like they're leaving God at the door in the morning.

Unite with your brothers! If we know God is with us and we pray for each other, we can't help but succeed. Succeed at what? At bringing God with us to work each day. At being not just men at work, but Catholic men at work.

And just being Catholic men at work means real change in us, in our workplace. If enough of us succeed at being Catholic men at work, the world itself will change - for the better.


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