Mary our Mother

The Memorial Day weekend's here. Ah, a blessed three day respite from work!

But don't forget it's still Mary's month (May). How quickly it's flying by! So let's pause a moment and remember her the way the Church teaches - like a mother.

Father Edward Leen (a great spiritual writer you really should get to know), says we should call her "Mamma." I recoiled when I read this. It sounds kind of infantile, no? I didn't even call my own mother "Mamma" (and I'm Italian-American!).

But Father Leen compares our relationship with Mary to the relationship of the infant in the womb to its mother: utter dependence. Ah, now it makes sense.

God is Our Father. We're "little" before God. We're totally dependent on His grace for whatever goodness we have in our lives. Really, isn't that true? On your own, without His help, where would you be? What sorts of thoughts, words and actions would "naturally" come from you without God's grace?

And Mary is Our Mother. (Jesus "gave" Mary to us as a mother as he was dying on the cross. That's when he said to his disciple John and His Mother Mary, both standing at the foot of the cross: "Son, behold your mother.")

A mother knows us as we really are from the moment we're born. You know, changing diapers and all that. Total dependence. And Mom remembers all that, even now when she sees us all grown up. She knows all of us, right from the beginning.

And Mary knows us that way too. Thinking of Mary as "Mamma" and ourselves as totally dependent infants in her care isn't just a weird pious practice. It's reality.

If Father Leen can't convince you, try the Beatles' "Let it be."

When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comforts me, speaking words of wisdom, let it be.

I always liked that song.


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