AMDG - Get with the program today.

As St Ignatius exhorted his men: "Ad maiorem Dei gloriam" - for the greater glory of God. That's how and why we do everything. We work for the greater glory of God, get it?

Hmm...that sure puts God right in the thick of things doesn't it? It takes Him out of the "up there" world and brings Him right "down here." We don't leave Him behind when we start our work day. We can't. We're doing everything during our work day for His greater glory.

Maybe we can't slap a big "AMDG" (ad maiorem Dei gloriam) sign on our desk or wall or toolbox. But we can nail it to our hearts.

What this means is that nothing - NOTHING - we do during the work day can be judged by any other standard except that it promotes His greater glory. Yes, I know. Some days we barely even think of God, we're so wrapped up in what we're doing. Deadlines, pressure from the boss to produce more, crises that need our immediate and full attention - the list is endless. But it doesn't change a thing. It's all - ALL - for His greater glory.

We've just got to let that sink in and stay there. We've got to at least start each day asking for the grace to work for His greater glory. Ask and ye shall receive.

It doesnt' mean we'll never have one of those days where we didn't give Him a second thought. But we let Him know, when we had the chance, that we're working for His greater glory.

We should all be heroic in our spiritual life like St Ignatius. But we'll never get there unless we start somewhere. Try that simple request for the grace to work for His greater glory as you begin the work day. Eventually, God will help you make more progress.


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