Is Lent getting away from you?

In case you missed it, Lent's been here for a while. Is it getting away from you? How easy it is to feel that our responsibilities make it, if not impossible, at least difficult to be rigorous in our fasting and increased prayer and sacrifice.

Keep it simple. Ask God, prayerfully and sincerely, what He wants you to do this Lent. "Listen" carefully as you read through the norms the Church recommends. We know what's "required" but we're looking for guidance regarding our own individual commitment. Does Our Lord want us to fast rigorously, give much more to the poor, forgive certain individuals who have offended or simply irritate us?

What special efforts at prayer would He like to see? Daily Mass, rosary, reading scripture, spiritual reading? Doing that already? Can we do it with more attention and devotion?

The fact is we simply need to spend the time and ask for Our Lord's "input." He will answer each of us, but we have to make the time to ask and listen.

And don't delay. We're coming up on the third Sunday in Lent already!


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