Get a mentor - the Greatest Mentor
Having a mentor can be a great help in business. A good mentor would be someone who is already successful in the area you want to pursue, someone who takes an active interest in helping you succeed too.
As Catholics, our great mentor is Jesus Christ. Read Psalm 16:7-8. "I bless the Lord who gives me counsel; in the night also my heart instructs me. I keep the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved."
The Lord guides us - if we let Him. So how do we "let Him"?
We have to make time for Him. We have to listen. If our day is all business - a better word might be "busyness" - and we don't take any time to listen to Him, we simply won't hear Him.
This is madness! If you had a mentor actively helping you advance in your career, would you brush him off because you were too busy? Wouldn't you make time to listen to his advice? Wouldn't you be eager to learn as much as you could, in as little time as possible? Of course you would.
That's all you've got to do for Our Lord to mentor you. Make time. Read scripture, some good spiritual works, go to confession, attend Mass during the week and receive Communion. These few things alone will help you to get into listening mode, open your mind and heart to Our Lord's mentoring.
And if you think He's got nothing to say about your job, about your business, think again. He's got something to say. You're just not listening.
As Catholics, our great mentor is Jesus Christ. Read Psalm 16:7-8. "I bless the Lord who gives me counsel; in the night also my heart instructs me. I keep the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved."
The Lord guides us - if we let Him. So how do we "let Him"?
We have to make time for Him. We have to listen. If our day is all business - a better word might be "busyness" - and we don't take any time to listen to Him, we simply won't hear Him.
This is madness! If you had a mentor actively helping you advance in your career, would you brush him off because you were too busy? Wouldn't you make time to listen to his advice? Wouldn't you be eager to learn as much as you could, in as little time as possible? Of course you would.
That's all you've got to do for Our Lord to mentor you. Make time. Read scripture, some good spiritual works, go to confession, attend Mass during the week and receive Communion. These few things alone will help you to get into listening mode, open your mind and heart to Our Lord's mentoring.
And if you think He's got nothing to say about your job, about your business, think again. He's got something to say. You're just not listening.