Monday can be daunting at times: there's so much to do this week; that special project's due; preparation for a huge client know the drill.

Most of the time, things just seem to work out. What appeared like a mountain becomes more of a mole hill as the week goes by. On the other hand, sometimes things really do get hairy. Everything's a struggle. And once in a while, things just don't work out.

Like clockwork, the work is there every Monday morning. And it never ends. Work takes us over Monday morning. Sometimes it even pushes God out of our lives. Oh well, at least we got to Mass on Sunday.

The Catholic man at work faces that mountain every Monday, like everyone else. Yet it's different. God faces the mountain with us. And we need to know that. It's important that we Catholic men understand this.

It won't mean that everything we touch turns to gold. It won't even mean that most of what we do will succeed. God's plan can be mysterious, even disturbing at times.

But before we try to understand anything else about the real value or importance of work, understand that God works beside us, in everything - everything - we do.

A simple consequence of this attitude: when you finish something successfully, thank God. And when something doesn't turn out as you planned, even when you fail at something, ask God why He allowed that, even why he allowed you to fail. Then listen for an answer.


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