Integrity during Lent

What's your plan for Lent? What special prayer, mortification, acts of charity? Be ambitious, but be prudent. Have integrity.

Remember New Year's resolutions. People make 'em, then break 'em. But this is Lent, not New Year's. This is our time, as Catholics, to grow in holiness, to get closer to Christ. We're going to watch as He steadily walks the walk of salvation, ending with His suffering and death in Jerusalem - and of course, the glory of the Resurrection.

But before that glorious Resurrection, there is the Cross. And so we unite ourselves in a special way during Lent to Him on that Cross.

Yes, be ambitious, but ask first: What do You want me to do? Don't play the hero and pile on the prayer and sacrifice. The focus is Christ, not us. If you have a spiritual director, ask him for guidance. If not, keep praying. Ask.

Whenever and however the answer comes, put your heart into Lent. Don't just grit your teeth and bear those special mortifications (fasting, cutting down on meat...not ever, ever making a single uncharitable remark about those annoying or silly people in the office, etc.). Embrace those mortifications with the love that Christ showed for you on the Cross. He didn't just bear up under the pain and suffering, He embraced it. He did it all for love.

In the end, do what you choose and do it fully, perfectly and with love. Don't over-commit and come up short, if you can help it. Remember, integrity in all things, including your commitments this Lent.


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