Don't let business or busyness keep you from God

Some jobs these days require long hours in the office. Leave home early, return late. Some require constant reading and study. There's always some article or book we've simply got to read to keep up the latest developments in our profession. Some jobs spill over into our home life and we're always bringing work home, always working even when we're home.

Bad enough that our families suffer from our lack of physical or mental presence at home. But where's God in all this?

For our families, we simply need to be home enough. And not just physically, but mentally present. We can't be distracted all the time by what's going on at work. It takes a fair amount of discipline, but with effort we can do it. And we've got to work on this all the time. It's so easy to be "sucked" back into the office and our work, even when we're with those we love.

As for God, He makes it easy for us. He's everywhere. He's home, He's at Church, He's at the office. Busy as we might be, we can always pray first thing in the morning - even if only for a few minutes. We might not be able to get to Mass today, but, if possible, we can stop by Church (in New York City, there are Catholic churches everywhere, open all day) to "visit" with Our Lord.

As for the workplace, it's even easier. Sure it would be great if we could take a break from time to time, recollect ourselves and pray of think of Him. But He's happy if we simply start our day with the intention of working this day for His greater glory. We simply have to offer up all our work this day to Him. Of course, don't go easy on yourself. Try to find a moment during that busy day to think of Him, or even to say some simple aspiration to yourself. It could be just "I love you Jesus" as you go from one email to the next.

Or you could put your heart and soul into whatever you're working on, doing it as perfectly as you can, for love of God. You don't even have to be thinking of God just at that moment, as you're working. But at the end of the day, as you reflect on how you did (in your examination of conscience), you may find that you put that extra effort into that email or report just for love of Him.

Develop both the intention and the habit of working for His glory everyday. After a while, even the busiest job will be filled with love of God.


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