CEO or Saint?

Here's something to wake you up today. You are called to be a saint. Oh, you knew that? Well, how's this: you're called to be a saint at work. Here in the office, or the shop, or wherever you work.

There's nothing about work that keeps us from being saints. When we say we're going to sanctify our work (offering it up to God, doing our best to bring glory to Him, etc.) we can't forget an important point: our work sanctifies us, as well.

So all this sanctification, you see, has only one purpose: to become a saint.

Not just an apostle, or someone who evangelizes (by word, by example, or both), not just a "good example to others - a real, honest to goodness saint.

Too much to expect? No thanks? You're not cut out for it? Sorry, everyone's in this game. No one's left behind. We're to be saints - or at least that should be our intention - and that's that.


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