Doin' what comes naturally

You work as hard as you can - then you don't take any credit for it. You give the credit to someone else. Not natural, eh? But that's what we've been talking about. That's what giving all the credit to God means. All the credit.

Not just some of the credit. Not patting yourself on the back and saying "I couldn't have done it without you." It's even more radical. It's acknowledging that everything good - EVERYTHING - comes from God. But wait, there's more. It's acknowledging that everything bad comes from us. Again, not natural.

How about easy? Maybe for some of us. But most of us don't and won't find this easy. Living supernaturally (as we discussed in our last post) just doesn't come naturally - certainly not easily. You've got to work at it.

During the day today, try this: everytime something goes well, thank God. Even in the smallest things like an easy commute to work, a pleasant conversation with a co-worker or client, even a tasty lunch. "Thank you God."

Then every time something goes wrong, or not so great, look to yourself. What could you, maybe should you, have done differently that would have led to a better outcome? Even that tough commute: if you had left earlier, would you have missed the traffic, or avoided the train delay; had you gotten in earlier, could you have had time to correct that mistake, or been better prepared for your meeting or your conversation with your boss that didn't go smoothly. Then just ask God's help to do things better.

Living supernaturally's going to take lots of work - persistent, hard work. It's going to mean praying from time to time throughout the day. It's going to change everything.

In the end, it's the way to heaven.


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