First, do no harm

Doctors used to take the Hippocratic Oath: First do no harm. I don't think they do now. But it might be something for us to consider in our work, whatever that is.

Imagine starting each day with this resolution, "First, do no harm." Here's a simple example of how this would work in an office setting: Don't gossip; don't say anything unkind about anyone. Offices are notorious for gossip. But gossip generally winds up hurting someone - not least of all the person gossiping. And it's easy to vent frustration and anger by saying something uncharitable about someone. Sometimes you just blurt something out, without even meaning to.

Now, instead of gossiping or making uncharitable remarks, think: First, do no harm. Your work environment will improve, even if only a little. And your work itself will inevitably turn out better

More on this coming up...


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