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This Will Explain Why God Will Be With Us Throughout Our Workday Today

God will be with us throughout our work day today.  Sure, it's good to develop the practice of recollecting ourselves from time to time to acknowledge His Presence. But the fact is, He is going to be with us. There's consolation in this.  Some of us have resolved to be more recollected during the work day. Then the day begins, the work flows and before we know it the work day is over. Did we even once think of God, acknowledge His Presence? This is especially true for those of us who typically have a flood of work each day, and who have developed the discipline to begin promptly with that first and most important or urgent task, then move to the next and the next as we finish each. Discipline in attending to our tasks and getting them done in a timely manner is certainly good. But when it results in a kind of shunting God aside, it can be frustrating. Of course, we don't intend to keep God at bay. We really do want to at least say a few aspirations throughout the day - one

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