Business Planning Suggestions for 2025 - 3
So now you've got your most important goals written down. (By the way, don't be shy about setting financial goals. I know a lot of Catholic men who struggle with this. They forget that it's not money, but the love of money, that's evil . We're called to be good stewards of what God has given us. Just think of money like that and move on. Don't get hung up here. So I hope one of your important goals is financial.) What now? Well, as I mentioned, these "long-term" goals should be big enough so they take at least ten years or so to accomplish (maybe longer). There's no magic to the ten years, as opposed to let's say nine or eleven or twelve, but we need a definite number to work with and ten will do the trick. We're going to break down our big goals into bite-sized pieces or steps, then put dates on when we want to accomplish each step. You've already done the hard part in coming up with the goals, so while the rest o