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If God is With Us, Whoever or Whatever is Against Us Doesn't Really Matter

Let's continue with what we began last time: that God is indeed with us, despite our failures and frustrations in recollecting ourselves from time to time to acknowledge His Presence.  This time we add in another twist to this: those times when we suffer from people or events that can distract us - or worse. The "worse": those who might oppose us, undermine our efforts, spread rumors about us, or simply make our work day miserable . It can happen from time to time; sometimes more than others. Having experienced a rich and varied work life such experience includes a bit (or more) of the above, for better or worse. As for distractions - in a sense the most innocent and least harmful of this gang - we all likely struggle with these, and so so on a daily basis. For example, we've recently posted about the distractions that this time of year brings to all of us. And depending on our individual character and temperament, some of us will be more or less distracted by one or

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